When you join my 'Sheepdog Pack'

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Whats Inside

My fingers traced the indented letters of the silver WWJD bracelet on my right wrist. I do that when I'm considering pummeling someone. The punk hassling the girl behind the coffee counter was getting louder. My lips twitched up at the corners.

His suit spoke uptown money, hundred dollar lunches and a fancy little sports car, but his eyes were the hard, black BBs of a rat. He was new money trying to act like old, demanding respect he hadn’t earned.

The girl was fifteenish, a little pudgy, with braces and a few pimples dotting her forehead and chin. Her eyes were shiny and wet, close to overflowing. If my daughter had lived, she might one day have worked in a shop like this.

The rodent shoved his venti-five-pump-double-shot-caramel-blah-blah-blah, back at her, sloshing some of the coffee onto the counter.

I take my coffee the way I did back in the Corps, black, bitter and hot, no preservatives.

When I saw the girl’s bottom lip start to quiver, I pushed back my chair and stood up.

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"As a dog lover and mystery thriller fan myself I am hooked!"


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About The Author

I love the written word and enjoy at least some of every genre I have read. I cut my teeth on Doyle, Hubbard, Jakes, Herbert, Wells, Asimov, and King. I had a long loving courtship with Jakes, Brand, L’Amour, and Howard, then fell head over heels with the likes of Crais, Leonard, Hammett, Wambaugh and Clancy.

My first career was as a United States Marine, a stint that lasted seven years. After that, I became a cop in a tiny, but extremely racy city, very much like Gunwood. I then moved over to the Sheriff’s office where I became a K9 handler and trainer. I’ve worked the streets for thirty plus years, catching thousands of bad guys and taking a bite out of crime with my K9 partners by my side.

My works are a blend of life as I have both seen it and how I sometimes wish it had actually worked out. Putting ink to paper is for me an act of creation. An expression of my love for life and the incredible beauty that surrounds us even in the midsts of darkness.

Over the years I’ve launched fur-missiles to help catch bad guys and gals for virtually every organization in the alphabet… the DEA, FBI, IMPACT, ICE, USMC, CSP and a slew of others. I’ve been deemed an Expert Witness for K9 Testimony for County, State and Federal Courts.

Once I even went to the Alamo to try and find Pee-Wee Herman’s red bike, but when I asked the tour guide where the basement was she said I was stupid. If I’d been as witty as my protagonist, Gil Mason, I would have come back instantly with a… “I know you are, but what am I?” Instead I just winced at the elbow poke my wife jabbed into my rib-bones and let it go.

I have seen good and bad and truly horrible things. But through it all, hope remains...hope and man’s best friend.

© 2022 Gordon Carroll LLC All rights reserved


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